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<info title='Онлайн-игра Безумный Инстинкт Смерти 2 (Madness Deathwish 2) - Флеш-игры Action Стрелялки - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='Безумный Инстинкт Смерти 2 Madness Deathwish 2Флеш-игры Action Стрелялки' metad='Madness Deathwish 2(Безумный Инстинкт Смерти 2) - Спаситесь из ужасного плена, убивая всех на своём пути. За полученные деньги приобретайте оружие и броню. Вы должны выжить!' />[[Category:Флеш-игры]] [[Category:Action]] [[Category:Стрелялки]] {{Игра
|name=Madness Deathwish 2
|name=Madness Deathwish 2|nameen=Madness Deathwish 2|nameloc=Безумный Инстинкт Смерти 2|language=any|description=Спаситесь из ужасного плена, убивая всех на своём пути. За полученные деньги приобретайте оружие и броню. Вы должны выжить!|manual=Перемещение - A/D
|nameen=Madness Deathwish 2
|nameloc=Madness Deathwish 2
Прицелиться - мышь
|description=--------<br />EDIT: <br /><br />Minor patch!<br /><br />+Added option to change the graphic quality with the right-click menu.<br />+Added a perk/money/health cheat code ( write butt while standing/fighting ).<br />+Added an easy mode and a machosist mode.<br />+Sniper got a slight damage buff and the laser got a slight de-buff.<br />+Fixed a character level missing ( thank you Semag ). <br />+Fixed a bug that caused you to get stuck if clicking outside the game.<br /><br />Sorry guys. There will be no saving or check points. But I'll be sure to include it in future projects.<br />To you few people who seem to have some strange errors that prevents you from playing. Try the following things.<br /><br />1: Be sure you got the newest flash player. http://get.adobe.com/flas hplayer/<br />2: Clear out your browser cache and try again or use another browser.<br />--------<br /><br />This is my first REAL game! It is not just an interactive slide-show or a half-assed movie with buttons. This is the real deal! Actionscript 3, explosions and exclamation marks! Wohoo!<br /><br />It was supposed to have a buttload of death wishes, that were more focused and original compared to the first one. But I started to get bored of the project all together once the 5th (and final) death wish was animated. I am sorry if you feel kind of cheated with the lack of options. But at the end of the day, I just did not feel like animating more marshmallow men getting decapitated.<br /><br />The project actually started out as a semi-open-world RPG with an actual story. each enemy encounter would then consist of you fighting waves of enemies until all of them had been killed. You could then buy weapons, armor and level-up, getting perks and what-not from the money and experience harvested from questing and grinding.<br /><br />Tip: If you are having a hard time. Just get the Swift Learner and Blood Career perks.
Стрелять - левая кнопка мыши
Перезарядить оружие - R
Сменить оружие - Q/E
Выбор оружия - 1-6
Пауза - Р|walkthrough=|gallery= i11040918113271999286211033.jpg|category=Флеш-игры;Action;Стрелялки|tags=безумный|protected=[]|swf_size=3723|swf=
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="640" height="480">
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="640" height="480">
      <param name="movie" value="/images/add/14717.swf" />
      <param name="movie" value="/images/add/14717.swf" />
Строка 17: Строка 18:
      <embed src="/images/add/14717.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480"> </embed>
      <embed src="/images/add/14717.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480"> </embed>
    </object> }}
    </object> }}
<seo title='Онлайн-игра Madness Deathwish 2 - Флеш-игры Action Стрелялки - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='Madness Deathwish 2 Madness Deathwish 2Флеш-игры Action Стрелялки' metad='Madness Deathwish 2 - -------- EDIT:  Minor patch!  +Added option to change the graphic quality with the right-click menu. +Added a perk/money/health cheat code ( write butt while standing/fighting ). +Added an easy mode and a machosist mode. +Sniper got a slight damage buff and the laser got a slight de-buff. +Fixed a character level missing ( thank you Semag ).  +Fixed a bug that caused you to get stuck if clicking outside the game.  Sorry guys. There will be no saving or check points. But I&apos;ll be sure to include it in future projects. To you few people who seem to have some strange errors that prevents you from playing. Try the following things.  1: Be sure you got the newest flash player. http://get.adobe.com/flas hplayer/ 2: Clear out your browser cache and try again or use another browser. --------  This is my first REAL game! It is not just an interactive slide-show or a half-assed movie with buttons. This is the real deal! Actionscript 3, explosions and exclamation marks! Wohoo!  It was supposed to have a buttload of death wishes, that were more focused and original compared to the first one. But I started to get bored of the project all together once the 5th (and final) death wish was animated. I am sorry if you feel kind of cheated with the lack of options. But at the end of the day, I just did not feel like animating more marshmallow men getting decapitated.  The project actually started out as a semi-open-world RPG with an actual story. each enemy encounter would then consist of you fighting waves of enemies until all of them had been killed. You could then buy weapons, armor and level-up, getting perks and what-not from the money and experience harvested from questing and grinding.  Tip: If you are having a hard time. Just get the Swift Learner and Blood Career' />[[Category:Флеш-игры]] [[Category:Action]] [[Category:Стрелялки]]

Версия 18:01, 9 апреля 2011

Безумный Инстинкт Смерти 2


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Безумный Инстинкт Смерти 2 \ Madness Deathwish 2 [Править]

Спаситесь из ужасного плена, убивая всех на своём пути. За полученные деньги приобретайте оружие и броню. Вы должны выжить!


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Команда Панцирного Ядра: Эпизод 1

Прикольная игрулька с интересным жанром. Если кто-то это читает, перейдите по ссылке https://rudderbucky.itch.io/shellcore/devlog/547959/201-beta-released. Английские (может не англичане, хз, но по-английски говорят) умельцы сделали фан-версию, которая уже обогнала оригинал. На данный момент у них есть два законченных эпизода и уже сделали крупную часть третьего. 06.07.2023, 23:22 (если чё-то не так с ссылкой, то вот ещё одна: https://github.com/rudderbucky/shellcore/releases)

Иван Иваныч 06-07-2023 20:24:07 Ответить >>


Создание Фурсона

Два пушистых фвоста(темно-красный с ярко-красным концом). Уши как у лисички длинные (серые).тело полностью белое.

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