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<info title='Онлайн-игра Thing-Thing - Флеш-игры Action Стрелялки - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='Thing-Thing Thing-ThingФлеш-игры Action Стрелялки' metad='Thing-Thing - Необходимо сбежать из плена, убил охранника и забрав его оружие.' />[[Category:Флеш-игры]] [[Category:Action]] [[Category:Стрелялки]] {{Игра
|name=Thing-Thing|nameen=Thing-Thing|nameloc=Thing-Thing|language=any|description=Необходимо сбежать из плена, убил охранника и забрав его оружие.|manual=Перемещение - A или D
Прыжок - W
|description=Thing-Thing 2 is underway. Check out my site for more details.<br />--Update 2--<br />w00t front page! Thanks for your support everyone, I appreciate and I'm still reading all of your reviews. About all of the Madness comments: Niether I nor Krinkles are the first people to make a mouse aiming 3rd person shooter engine, and I realize that it's black and white in the beginning, but I wanted for the game to seem dismal and grey until you eventually make your way into the colorful outside world. In those respects, I think that this may play somewhat like madness, but they are 2 very different games.<br />--Update--<br />Daily Feature! Thanks Everyone. I've been reading all of your reviews, and thanks for your imput. Also, you have to shoot your way out of the first room for everyone who didn't get that.<br /><br />This is a game engine that I came up with a while back and it was purely for experimental purposes. I'm creating a full game around an engine similar to this and I wanted to get some feedback on it before I get too far into it.<br />Controls are A and D move W jump SPACE is open doors, F is change weapons and mouse Aim/shoot.<br />You can shoot out vents to move past an area.<br />Note: there's only one level in this, so it's kinda short. Try the all weapons cheat, it adds in a bunch of guns that you can't get in normal mode.
Стрелять - левая кнопка мышки
Сменить оружие - F
Открыть дверь - пробел|walkthrough=|gallery= i11050621593906141042464921.jpg|category=Флеш-игры;Action;Стрелялки|tags=оружие, стрельба, побег|protected=[]|swf_size=628|swf=
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="640" height="480">
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="640" height="480">
      <param name="movie" value="/images/add/15443.swf" />
      <param name="movie" value="/images/add/15443.swf" />
Строка 17: Строка 14:
      <embed src="/images/add/15443.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480"> </embed>
      <embed src="/images/add/15443.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480"> </embed>
    </object> }}
    </object> }}
<seo title='Онлайн-игра Thing-Thing - Флеш-игры Action Стрелялки - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='Thing-Thing Thing-ThingФлеш-игры Action Стрелялки' metad='Thing-Thing - Thing-Thing 2 is underway. Check out my site for more details. --Update 2-- w00t front page! Thanks for your support everyone, I appreciate and I&apos;m still reading all of your reviews. About all of the Madness comments: Niether I nor Krinkles are the first people to make a mouse aiming 3rd person shooter engine, and I realize that it&apos;s black and white in the beginning, but I wanted for the game to seem dismal and grey until you eventually make your way into the colorful outside world. In those respects, I think that this may play somewhat like madness, but they are 2 very different games. --Update-- Daily Feature! Thanks Everyone. I&apos;ve been reading all of your reviews, and thanks for your imput. Also, you have to shoot your way out of the first room for everyone who didn&apos;t get that.  This is a game engine that I came up with a while back and it was purely for experimental purposes. I&apos;m creating a full game around an engine similar to this and I wanted to get some feedback on it before I get too far into it. Controls are A and D move W jump SPACE is open doors, F is change weapons and mouse Aim/shoot. You can shoot out vents to move past an area. Note: there&apos;s only one level in this, so it&apos;s kinda short. Try the all weapons cheat, it adds in a bunch of guns that you can&apos;t get in normal' />[[Category:Флеш-игры]] [[Category:Action]] [[Category:Стрелялки]]

Версия 21:11, 6 мая 2011



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Thing-Thing [Править]

Необходимо сбежать из плена, убил охранника и забрав его оружие.


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Команда Панцирного Ядра: Эпизод 1

Прикольная игрулька с интересным жанром. Если кто-то это читает, перейдите по ссылке https://rudderbucky.itch.io/shellcore/devlog/547959/201-beta-released. Английские (может не англичане, хз, но по-английски говорят) умельцы сделали фан-версию, которая уже обогнала оригинал. На данный момент у них есть два законченных эпизода и уже сделали крупную часть третьего. 06.07.2023, 23:22 (если чё-то не так с ссылкой, то вот ещё одна: https://github.com/rudderbucky/shellcore/releases)

Иван Иваныч 06-07-2023 20:24:07 Ответить >>


Создание Фурсона

Два пушистых фвоста(темно-красный с ярко-красным концом). Уши как у лисички длинные (серые).тело полностью белое.

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Ударь Своего Босса


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похоже на инфекция зомби

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похоже на ночь жыве метрецов

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