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<seo title='Онлайн-игра Chain Reaction Tutorial - Флеш-РёРіСЂС‹ Action - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='Chain Reaction Tutorial Chain Reaction TutorialФлеш-РёРіСЂС‹ Action' metad='Chain Reaction Tutorial - Start the first explosion with a click anywhere on the gamescreen and start a chain reaction. The number in the upper part shows how much goobies exploded vs. how much you need to go to the next level. Levels restart automatically if this is not passed. No need to rate, it&apos;s just a test... Thanks for playing though.  A basic chain reaction game in AS3 with url-scanning to implement different APIs. Check out the tutorial at' />[[Category:Флеш-РёРіСЂС‹]] [[Category:Action]]
<seo title='Онлайн-игра Chain Reaction Tutorial - Флеш-игры Action - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='Chain Reaction Tutorial Chain Reaction TutorialФлеш-игры Action' metad='Chain Reaction Tutorial - Start the first explosion with a click anywhere on the gamescreen and start a chain reaction. The number in the upper part shows how much goobies exploded vs. how much you need to go to the next level. Levels restart automatically if this is not passed. No need to rate, it&apos;s just a test... Thanks for playing though.  A basic chain reaction game in AS3 with url-scanning to implement different APIs. Check out the tutorial at' />[[Category:Флеш-игры]] [[Category:Action]]

Версия 17:41, 12 марта 2011

Chain Reaction Tutorial


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Категории: Флеш-игры | Action

Chain Reaction Tutorial [Править]

Start the first explosion with a click anywhere on the gamescreen and start a chain reaction. The number in the upper part shows how much goobies exploded vs. how much you need to go to the next level. Levels restart automatically if this is not passed. No need to rate, it's just a test... Thanks for playing though.

A basic chain reaction game in AS3 with url-scanning to implement different APIs.
Check out the tutorial at blog.natan.info


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<seo title='Онлайн-игра Chain Reaction Tutorial - Флеш-игры Action - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='Chain Reaction Tutorial Chain Reaction TutorialФлеш-игры Action' metad='Chain Reaction Tutorial - Start the first explosion with a click anywhere on the gamescreen and start a chain reaction. The number in the upper part shows how much goobies exploded vs. how much you need to go to the next level. Levels restart automatically if this is not passed. No need to rate, it&apos;s just a test... Thanks for playing though. A basic chain reaction game in AS3 with url-scanning to implement different APIs. Check out the tutorial at' />

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