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Multiplayer Checkers


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Multiplayer Checkers [Править]

This game is played by two people. In this game there will be a board of 8 x 8 squares, the squares will have alternate black and white colours, and each player has 3 rows of pieces put on the black squares. A piece can only move forward, it can either move one step diagonally or capture an opponent piece by jumping over it. In a single move, a piece can jump consecutively to capture multiple opponent pieces. When an opponent piece can be captured, you must capture the opponent piece, i.e. you cannot move without capturing when there are some pieces that you can capture. When a piece reaches the last row, it will be crowned and gains the ability to move backwards. When you capture all the pieces of the other player, you win. You can also win when the opponent cannot make any moves. It is possible that none of the players can force a win, in this case a draw game occurs when both players agree so. Use the mouse to click a piece to move it, the places where it can move to will be highlighted, click the highlighted place to move the piece to its location.


Информация об игре


(1 год назад)
Игра прикольная,но загружается долго:(
Этот комментарий был заблокирован
(1 год назад)
Прикольненькая игра:)
<seo title='Префикс - Multiplayer Checkers - Флеш-игры Настольные Шашки - Постфикс' metak='Multiplayer Checkers Multiplayer CheckersФлеш-игры Настольные Шашки' metad='Multiplayer Checkers - This game is played by two people. In this game there will be a board of 8 x 8 squares, the squares will have alternate black and white colours, and each player has 3 rows of pieces put on the black squares. A piece can only move forward, it can either move one step diagonally or capture an opponent piece by jumping over it. In a single move, a piece can jump consecutively to capture multiple opponent pieces. When an opponent piece can be captured, you must capture the opponent piece, i.e. you cannot move without capturing when there are some pieces that you can capture. When a piece reaches the last row, it will be crowned and gains the ability to move backwards. When you capture all the pieces of the other player, you win. You can also win when the opponent cannot make any moves. It is possible that none of the players can force a win, in this case a draw game occurs when both players agree so. Use the mouse to click a piece to move it, the places where it can move to will be highlighted, click the highlighted place to move the piece to its' />

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Команда Панцирного Ядра: Эпизод 1

Прикольная игрулька с интересным жанром. Если кто-то это читает, перейдите по ссылке https://rudderbucky.itch.io/shellcore/devlog/547959/201-beta-released. Английские (может не англичане, хз, но по-английски говорят) умельцы сделали фан-версию, которая уже обогнала оригинал. На данный момент у них есть два законченных эпизода и уже сделали крупную часть третьего. 06.07.2023, 23:22 (если чё-то не так с ссылкой, то вот ещё одна: https://github.com/rudderbucky/shellcore/releases)

Иван Иваныч 06-07-2023 20:24:07 Ответить >>


Создание Фурсона

Два пушистых фвоста(темно-красный с ярко-красным концом). Уши как у лисички длинные (серые).тело полностью белое.

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Да. У меня корейское имя . И что?

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похоже на инфекция зомби

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похоже на ночь живые метрецов

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Рейтинг пользователей

1. StellaKnisley68 +110
2. RusselNock59245 +110
3. FranciscoLehman +110
4. KlausVera259210 +100
5. LaurindaV58 +100
6. WallaceZhi +100

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