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Строка 8: Строка 8:
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="640" height="480">
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<seo title='Онлайн-игра RhythmWorld - Флеш-РёРіСЂС‹ Музыкальные - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='RhythmWorld RhythmWorldФлеш-РёРіСЂС‹ Музыкальные' metad='RhythmWorld - DO NOT UPLOAD COPYRIGHTED SONGS ONTO THE AUDIO PORTAL JUST SO YOU CAN PLAY THEM ON RHYTHMWORLD, IT&apos;S AGAINST THE AUDIO PORTAL RULES AND THEY WILL BE DELETED.  NOTE: Because this is all user-created, some songs will be off sync. Thats why we have popular/featured/rating sections. NOTE: If you can only see a quarter of the screen, rerun the game and wait for the ads to load (like 5 seconds) before pressing play. NOTE: You can change the control scheme for frets in the bottom right corner of the frets screen! NOTE: Thanx for the daily feature guys :D NOTE: All songs are from the NG Audio Portal!  Bring the World together with Music, XceeD and I set out to make the largest rhythm flash game ever, one that could store thousands of songs that anyone can play.  RhythmWorld features a framework designed to let users add and sync songs, songs that can then be played by anyone, anytime, anywhere. Users can play, sync, rate, rank and achieve highscores, search songs by Genre, Popular, Rating, Newest, Featured. Did we mention there are three unique gameplay modes too?  You can also download all the songs you love in the game too, just click the Download Song link and you&apos;ll be linked to its NG Audio Portal page!  Thanks to Dan McNeely, Tom Fulp, John, Glaiel, Will August, Bom, EXP and every one of our friends who helped make this possible. :D  RhythmWorld started with just 10 songs. Just how many are there now?  (Feel free to spread the game around the web, its only 250kb!) ' />[[Category:Флеш-РёРіСЂС‹]] [[Category:Музыкальные]]
<info title='Онлайн-игра RhythmWorld - Флеш-игры Музыкальные - играйте бесплатно на WikiGamia.Net' metak='RhythmWorld RhythmWorldФлеш-игры Музыкальные' metad='RhythmWorld - DO NOT UPLOAD COPYRIGHTED SONGS ONTO THE AUDIO PORTAL JUST SO YOU CAN PLAY THEM ON RHYTHMWORLD, IT&apos;S AGAINST THE AUDIO PORTAL RULES AND THEY WILL BE DELETED.  NOTE: Because this is all user-created, some songs will be off sync. Thats why we have popular/featured/rating sections. NOTE: If you can only see a quarter of the screen, rerun the game and wait for the ads to load (like 5 seconds) before pressing play. NOTE: You can change the control scheme for frets in the bottom right corner of the frets screen! NOTE: Thanx for the daily feature guys :D NOTE: All songs are from the NG Audio Portal!  Bring the World together with Music, XceeD and I set out to make the largest rhythm flash game ever, one that could store thousands of songs that anyone can play.  RhythmWorld features a framework designed to let users add and sync songs, songs that can then be played by anyone, anytime, anywhere. Users can play, sync, rate, rank and achieve highscores, search songs by Genre, Popular, Rating, Newest, Featured. Did we mention there are three unique gameplay modes too?  You can also download all the songs you love in the game too, just click the Download Song link and you&apos;ll be linked to its NG Audio Portal page!  Thanks to Dan McNeely, Tom Fulp, John, Glaiel, Will August, Bom, EXP and every one of our friends who helped make this possible. :D  RhythmWorld started with just 10 songs. Just how many are there now?  (Feel free to spread the game around the web, its only 250kb!) ' />[[Category:Флеш-игры]] [[Category:Музыкальные]]

Версия 17:41, 12 марта 2011



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RhythmWorld [Править]


NOTE: Because this is all user-created, some songs will be off sync. Thats why we have popular/featured/rating sections.
NOTE: If you can only see a quarter of the screen, rerun the game and wait for the ads to load (like 5 seconds) before pressing play.
NOTE: You can change the control scheme for frets in the bottom right corner of the frets screen!
NOTE: Thanx for the daily feature guys :D
NOTE: All songs are from the NG Audio Portal!

Bring the World together with Music, XceeD and I set out to make the largest rhythm flash game ever, one that could store thousands of songs that anyone can play.

RhythmWorld features a framework designed to let users add and sync songs, songs that can then be played by anyone, anytime, anywhere. Users can play, sync, rate, rank and achieve highscores, search songs by Genre, Popular, Rating, Newest, Featured. Did we mention there are three unique gameplay modes too?

You can also download all the songs you love in the game too, just click the Download Song link and you'll be linked to its NG Audio Portal page!

Thanks to Dan McNeely, Tom Fulp, John, Glaiel, Will August, Bom, EXP and every one of our friends who helped make this possible. :D

RhythmWorld started with just 10 songs. Just how many are there now?

(Feel free to spread the game around the web, its only 250kb!)



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Команда Панцирного Ядра: Эпизод 1

Прикольная игрулька с интересным жанром. Если кто-то это читает, перейдите по ссылке https://rudderbucky.itch.io/shellcore/devlog/547959/201-beta-released. Английские (может не англичане, хз, но по-английски говорят) умельцы сделали фан-версию, которая уже обогнала оригинал. На данный момент у них есть два законченных эпизода и уже сделали крупную часть третьего. 06.07.2023, 23:22 (если чё-то не так с ссылкой, то вот ещё одна: https://github.com/rudderbucky/shellcore/releases)

Иван Иваныч 06-07-2023 20:24:07 Ответить >>


Создание Фурсона

Два пушистых фвоста(темно-красный с ярко-красным концом). Уши как у лисички длинные (серые).тело полностью белое.

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6. WallaceZhi +100

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